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It was, not an Italian or a Hollywood film star but Queen Victoria the trend setter for what has now become a tradition in terms of wedding in the modern era.
In 1840 she married prince Albert wearing a white court dress. Until then brides had worn heavy brocaded gown in a variety of colour such as red, yellow, black etc..
Queen Victoria popularity was so big at the time that her wedding became a topic of most court gossips and women from aristocratic social class started following her example and chose white as colour for their wedding dress.
The trend later started to wide spread to all social classes to what has become a worldwide tradition.
Nowadays stylish Fashion designers focus on wedding dresses so much and catwalks at London Fashion Week are swamped with tall bombshell sexy models wearing all kinds of white wedding dresses from traditional cut to more provocative and seductive style. The latter not so much in line with Queen Victoria principles but certainly she would be happy to know that she has yet written another history page in the custom of her time which still lasts today.